
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blind Faith

"Then Jesus told him [a blind man], "I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind" (John 9:39).

On my way to work one day, I noticed a well-dressed man with a service animal making his way through a crowded shopping mall. It was obvious that he was blind. I was attracted to him because of the confident way he walked full stride through the Mall virtually ignoring the potential obstacles and human traffic continuously coming at him. I was amazed by how he and his dog sliced and diced their way through the on-rush of morning commuters. I was so intrigued by him that I decided to follow him on his journey.
As I hurried to catch up to him, I watched him walk a few feet, stop, turn to his right and walk over to a food concession stand that was open for breakfast. After taking his place at the back of the line, one by one, other waiting customers stepped aside to let him advance to the front. Being blind he couldn't see what they had done, so I slipped in alongside him and whispered softly, "You're next." I stood by to watch as he placed his order. 

With sandwich bag and briefcase in one hand, his service animal's harness in the other, this blind man continued at a brisk pace through the mall corridor, turning corners, going up and down steps. Finally, he arrived at his next destination, which was Starbucks. I stood by just outside the entrance as he walked in and took his place in line. This time he would have to wait his turn in a very long line since no one stepped aside for him. I wondered, "Would he have stayed had he been able to see how long the line was for coffee?" Unfortunately, it was me who couldn't stay long enough to see the end of his journey. I believe, however, that I'd seen what God intended when he arranged this divine appointment for me.
Watching this blind man move with such poise through his daily routine despite not being able to see was a lesson for me in blind faith. Although he couldn't see, this blind man had faith in his service animal to lead him around unseen obstacles and get him safely to his destination. He didn't hesitate, question or otherwise doubt that his dog would do his job. Blindness didn't hinder him because he knew his dog could see even if he couldn't and would take care of  him. His belief enabled this blind man to move resolutely toward his goals each day. I doubt if there is ever a morning that he wakes up and says to himself, "I can't go out today because I can't see." 
Physical and spiritual blindness

We depend on sight more than any of our other senses. You might even say we have more faith in what we see than in what we can't. There's a familiar saying, "I'll believe it when I see it." How many of us have said this about something we thought to be impossible, incredible or unlikely? To be physically blind is one thing; to be spiritually blind is quite another. Jesus spoke out against the spiritual blindness of his day, while healing many who were physically or spiritually blinded. When Jesus cured one, it cured the other. 
Spiritual blindness is also prevalent in today's world, and prevents many people from believing the gospel when they hear it.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, 
so that everyone who believes in Him
 will not perish but have eternal life.
 God did not send his Son into the world 
to condemn it, but to save it...
I assure you, those who listen to my message
 and believe in God who sent me,
 have eternal life. 
They will never be condemned for their sins,
 but have already passed from death into life"
 (John 3:16-17, 5:24, NLT).

Jesus spoke those words concerning himself. Since Jesus is the "Living Word," his words have power to heal and to save anyone who believes in him. "Do you believe?" is the question he asked of the blind, lame and sick before he healed them. Their faith made all the difference in their outcome. The Bible explains it this way:

"But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He [rewards] those who diligently and earnestly seek Him [out]" (Hebrews 11:6, AMP). 

The blind man in this story exhibited absolute trust in his dog to be his daily guide and companion. In the same way, God is an ever-present guide and companion of those who trust in Him. This same God, the creator of the Universe, is always available to receive anyone who comes to Him for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. No other religion can make the claim that you can have a personal relationship with God. The Bible points to many infallible proofs that Jesus was sent to pave the way to God for us. More than 2,000 years have passed since Jesus walked this earth. The good news is Jesus is still opening blind eyes.