
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Some more thoughts on the Mission

"And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd....(Mark 6:34)."

One thing that has impressed me about London is the shear numbers of people that are here from all over the world. During my time here, I've met people from six of the seven continents---South America, North America, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe---all within this tiny city of just a one mile radius. And who knows there's probably someone here from Antarctica, the seventh continent, that I have yet to meet. It really is a small world when you stop and think about it. And when you travel to other cities, towns, countries, continents you understand what I mean.

It's amazing how your perspective of people changes when you get outside of the US. Only then are you really able to see humankind in all its fullness, the way God created us...a rainbow of different colors...each one of us created in His own image. It's a beautiful thing to see. I'm reminded of the lyrics to the children's song, "Jesus loves all the [people] of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in His sight." I remember when my father went to Israel some years ago. He told me that he saw a man over there that looked just like him. I was too young to understand what he meant back then but it doesn't surprise me that God would use the same mold more than once.

The Olympics is a special time when the world puts aside its differences and comes together as a family of nations. That spirit of unity and brotherhood has been evident here, even among the spectators here to watch the games. In England, the people have a slogan, "Long live the Queen." I say, "Long live the spirit of the Olympics" even long after the games are over.

This final week is an opportunity for me  to spend some time getting to know the people I met through the various churches we've visited. This morning I will accompany some of the team to the ministry, "Cast Your Burden Upon Jesus," for their twice weekly prayer meeting. Pastor Bola has asked me to give a talk on evangelism, which I believe he plans to air on the SKY network. I thank God for the open door.  We have one more evangelism event on Friday, which will feature Carl Lewis, the Olympian of the Century, and a special surprise guest.

Later in the week, I will spend some time with my friend, Geri, who I met in Bermuda about five years ago. She now lives in the UK with relatives. Sadly, during our reunion last week, Geri confided to me that she has been diagnosed with cancer. The news was hard for me to hear but we know that God is sovereign and He has a purpose for everything. Naturally, we prayed together and I anointed her with oil. I ask your prayers for God's will concerning her situation. And to those persons in other countries  who follow this blog, I ask for your prayers for Geri as well.  We know that prayer can change things!  Be encouraged. God bless you all. I'll see you back in the States soon.

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